Energy Local
Energy Local is transforming the electricity market for communities and small-scale renewable generators. The mission is to help communities get more value from small-scale renewable generation by using the electricity locally.
How? Energy Local has designed a means to have a local market in electricity generation via Energy Local Clubs. This enables households to club together to show they are using local clean power when it is generated. The scheme gives generators a better price for the power they produce, that reflects its true value, keeps more money local and reduces household electricity bills.
Energy Local CIC want to form Clubs across the UK – this could make thousands more clean power schemes possible, create green jobs, tackle fuel poverty and lower carbon emissions.
Energy Local CIC won a prestigious Ashden Award and you can view a short video on the Ashden Awards website at:
Energy Local in Wales
This project is supported through Community Energy Wales. CEW has mobilised support from grassroots community energy groups across Wales to assist with the development of Energy Local Clubs across the country. Alongside local renewable generators and communities, we are working to identify where successful clubs could form and provide an important link between the Energy Local CIC and the local clubs.
The Green Valleys is actively supporting the development of new clubs in Powys and supporting the wider network of Energy Local developers.
Energy Local in Powys
Energy Local works in areas where there are suitable generators and enough potential club members connected to the same substation of the electricity network. Determining where these areas are located and getting a clear picture of the potential energy generation and size of the membership is the first stage of developing new Clubs.
The Green Valleys is delivering a project to map the electricity network areas and identify where there are suitable generators across the whole of Powys. With all of this basic information in place, we can ensure that we can accelerate the development of new Clubs across Powys, so that energy consumers in the county can be some of the first to benefit from this innovative project.
This project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.